Types of Dragons

Dragons mostly are recognized by having wings and the tenebrous scales in all his corpse...  but, in reality the can also be sort by different types of races. 

For example, These are the types of appearance of the face of the dragons.
Credit Image : << https://rosiarts.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Horns-and-Facial-Horns-set-1-304637147>>.

as well with the faces, there ir the body form, it categorize the size and the length of him. The most important thing in a dragon is the element. The element in a dragon symbolize the rare of dragons, sometimes is even more important because this dragon can be an ancient or elder, If the dragon es more aged, is more rare and famous.

For example, These are some types of elements that a dragons haves.
Credit Image: << http://blueboxerrebellion.blogspot.com/2014/02/six-dragons.html >>.

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